Tuesday, August 29, 2006

wonder of time

Time is the most destructive power of all.
It can virtually bring anything to ruins..
Even the saying 'time heals'?

It's just another way of saying time brings pain and sorrow to ruins


  1. i guess it does... but sometimes, we accidentally stumble upon a familiar piece from the rubble and the pain hits again. :-(

    still, my greater fear is that time would oso bring wonderful memories and laughter to ruins too...

    *oops* sori for the moody comment. on a brighter note, i like how u use yr pics and tie it up wif... life! nice work.

  2. well it definitely will as much as we try to preserve happy memories..by ruins i mean we can still see the proof of its existance, just not in its most glamorous form as it once was..it's sad but it's true, at least for me..
    thanks for the comment though :)
