Tuesday, September 26, 2006

in a state of confusion

a night shot of street lights from a moving car
Sometimes I wonder, if confussion is caused by not thinking straight enough, or by having thought too much. Our mind is such a funny, complicated thing I don't think I'll ever understand fully..not even my own thoughts. I always get lost in my own sea of thoughts. Just like now, I have something on my mind but I couldn't put 'em down in words..and the harder I tried, the further they seem to be drifting away..I decided to give up, and admit that I'm confused now. Just like when you're having a panic attack, it's better to stop fighting it and just let it come, knowing that it won't last forever.
Urghh!!!! i better stop..getting more and more incoherent....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    it's very sad to admit that i couldn't help u in anyway when u have panic attack... in the past or maybe forever...
